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Keeping the Faith

Caleb S



Submitted by:
Erin Shrout

Caleb is a perfect example of “Keeping the Faith” through his brain cancer journey. In January 2012 at age 29, he was diagnosed with an ana plastic oligodendro glioma tumor in his right occipital lobe – about the size of a racquetball. In February 2012, he had an 8 hours surgery to have it removed. Surgery was successful, and followed by a year of chemotherapy. He was left with a deficit of no field of vision to the left of center in each eye – so essentially, half blind. That was quite an adjustment, but he pushed through and found his new normal. The years following were great, and Caleb decided to make the most of each day. Unfortunately, in July 2018, Caleb went in for a routine MRI, and it was found that his tumor was back. He made the decision to have surgery again in August 2018. A similar surgery was repeated for the second time, and they got everything they could. This time it was more difficult, and pain management was a big issue. Once we figured out how to manage the pain, he slowly healed. Caleb then did 6 weeks of radiation every day in Houston, TX, followed by 9 months of chemotherapy in Wichita. I couldn’t be more proud of the man I’m married to, as it hasn’t been easy since the second recurrence. He continually experiences new physical issues that we believe are side effects from all the treatment he’s endured. He also experienced in August of 2019 what we thought was a stroke, but later it was determined to be a seizure. He’s 37 now, and been through a lot, but he chooses to live each day as a gift and share how he has been blessed in the midst of chaos and hardship. Caleb is our hero and a true inspiration, and he definitely “Keeps the Faith!”