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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Doreen Morrissey

TO THE BRAIN TUMOR SURVIVORS—- Even though we are from different backgrounds and have all sorts of different interests, there is one thing we have in common: Brain Tumors. The way each brain tumor patient handles every challenge inspires me. There is so much to learn from a Survivor. There is one survivor I know more than any other. During this chaotic struggle to make sense of a new normal, she never once complained or asked, “why me?” Every day she makes me feel so proud of her persistence, courage, hope, and the ongoing quest for healing. Everything she does is with love and care and from her heart. I marvel at her willpower. She is optimistic and strong; telling me she will not be a statistic. Watching her go through all she has been through; a crainiotomy, radiation, chemotherapy, and Optune, I have learned to never underestimate her; her resilience is amazing. Her response to all of this is humbling; she chooses to look forward! Her survivor journey began in February 2017 just before her 27th birthday. Her diagnosis GBM4. Each year since I have regretted not submitting this form to honor her; her strength, optimism, bravery, and determination. The following quote could have been written especially for her… Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. -Khalil Gibran Chelle, you are one of a kind. I am so grateful that you are not only my daughter but also my friend and my inspiration. Never forget that hope ends when you stop believing; never stop believing! l love you!